Promising Practices in Holistic Advising Transformation: Incorporating Voices of Intermediaries

Published: June 20, 2022

NEW from EDUCAUSE: Promising Practices in Holistic Advising Transformation: Incorporating Voices of Intermediaries

Over the past decade, intermediary organizations – “an organization or body that acts as an agent or broker in any aspect of the innovation process between two or more parties.”[i] – have increasingly engaged with institutions of higher education to provide resources, networking, and guidance to help improve student outcomes, particularly for students of color and low-income students. National foundations are increasingly providing funding to intermediaries and supporting the development of coalitions and networks to support institutional transformation.[i]

To date, the field has relied primarily on institutional self-reports to examine best practices in transformation. This new report explores intermediary staff perspectives of successful advising transformation, and examines intermediary organizations’ pivotal capacity-building role in holistic advising transformation efforts.

  • What institutional factors are associated with readiness and successful advising redesign?
  • What transformational practices do intermediaries see as supportive of successful advising transformation? What practices are seen as barriers?
  • How does technology contribute to successful student advising overall? What challenges does technology present?
  • Does institutions’ use of advising technologies change over time?

[i] Howells, J. (2006). “Intermediation and the role of intermediaries in innovation.” Research policy35(5), 715–728.

[i] Haddad, N. (2021). “Philanthropic Foundations and Higher Education: The Politics of Intermediary Organizations.” The Journal of Higher Education92(6), 897–926.