The Advising Technology Use Cases comes fromĀ Paritii, a woman-owned and operated firm delivering tech-enabled, data-driven, sophisticated, sustainable and equitable strategies for social impact. This resource is one of the series that resulted from Paritii’s partnership with the Advising Success Network.
This chart outlines which software technologies and applications most positively impact student success outcomes. The information is based on human-centered use cases derived from in-depth research involving Black, Latinx/a/o, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, and poverty-affected students, using the principle of targeted universalism to help many by solving the needs of the few.
This document could be used during software procurement processes, or to bolster holistic advising strategies, and to influence future development of advising technology and software to become more equitable.
Technology tools and features were grouped into four categories:
- Education Planning and Degree Audit Tools;
- Alerts, Signals and Notifications Tools;
- Case Management Tools; and
- Student-Centered, Equity-Focused Analytics Tools and Training.
Please also visit the resource pages for the other Paritii resources: Advisor Experiences at Post-Secondary Institutions, Student Advising Experiences, and Technology Procurement Process Map.